Preet Monga

Preet Monga's Photograph


I am a tech enthusiast who like to explore various fields in tech industry. A curious being who likes to know the reason behind every thing happening around and how I can contribute and modify it to make it better.



  1. HTML
  2. C++
  3. C
  4. Video Editing


  1. Secured AIR 1797 in Coding Ninjas Premier League based on C++, Java and Python.

    Coding Ninjas Certificate AIR 1797
  2. Participated in Null Void Coding Compitetion conducted by IEEE CISB.

    Null Void Coding Compitetion participation certificate

    Click on the images to know more.

  3. Participated in the IEEE Extreme 17.0>

    Coding Ninjas Certificate AIR 1797


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